Friday, December 5, 2008

Snowy Week In Colorado

It was a snowy week in Colorado. This past weekend, Julia, Melissa, Jason and I got in a powder day up at A-Basin. We could only play on the lower half of the mountain though, due to 70+ mph winds at the summit. Above I have posted a picture of my co-worker and friend running around Golden Ponds in Longmont this past weekend.

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Engagement Pictures

Here are some of the pictures Melissa Beck took for Julia and I for our Engagement Session. Let us know what you think.

Some Pictures.

Instead of Myface...

I have recently been receiving requests to join MyFace* from a few family/friends. Since I do not currently agree with either Myspace or Facebook's privacy policies or lack of security I have decided to create this blog instead. While Google's privacy policy is not perfect, their security is many orders of magnitude greater than previously mentioned sites.

I hope you will read, enjoy and contribute to this site.